CORNER 90 connection – the next stage in the development of Flick&Click™ technology

1 March 2021

The success of our modular furniture with tool-free assembly motivates us to further develop this technology. Check what's new we have offered to furniture manufacturers and join the Melaco affiliate program.

Do you run a furniture board wholesaler? Get to know COMPLETE SKIN boards and become our Partner!

26 February 2021

Universal COMPLETE SKIN furniture boards are the most frequently chosen product in Melaco's offer. For our clients, we have just expanded their color range. Check where their popularity comes from.

COMPLETE SKIN DOOR – How the production process works

COMPLETE SKIN DOOR furniture boards are very popular among furniture manufacturers, and in particular - among producers of kitchen and bathroom furniture. All thanks to the technology we use.

Interior design trends for 2021

27 January 2021

All the trendsetters' forecasts for 2020 failed at the beginning of the year, when the coronavirus locked us at home. There is no doubt, however, that the pandemic changed our perception of home space, and this trend is the most important in the predictions for 2021. What will be the most popular among the choices of organizers and how do Melaco products fit these trends? Read and find out.

Home office with Home Office and Home Store collection. Melaco furniture arranged by an interior designer

The Home Office and Home Store collections were created to help their users create a comfortable and ergonomic work space at home. See how the possibilities of our modular furniture were used by an interior designer.

How to get out of a pandemic unscathed? Interview with Beata Piotrowska, Deputy Director of Production and Development

20 January 2021

Limit production or work at full speed? Search for contractors or implement our own projects and ideas? Beata Piotrowska, production manager at Melaco, faced these and other questions in the difficult year 2020. What decisions were made by the company and what were their consequences? We invite you to read the interview with Beata Piotrowska, Deputy Director for Production and Development.

How the pandemic motivated us to act – an interview with Dariusz Piotrowski, Vice President of Melaco

29 December 2020

What should we do to operate in troubled and unpredictable times of a pandemic? Roll up our sleeves and start projects that meet the changing needs of customers. This is what we did at Melaco, and we are ending the year with several new product lines and new directions of development. How did it happen? Read the interview with Dariusz Piotrowski, Vice President of the company.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

21 December 2020

At the end of a difficult year, we would like to wish you all the best during Christmas time and the whole 2021.

Unified finish of the apartment – furniture fronts in MELAFOL technology

16 December 2020

How to create a coherent interior thanks to innovative solutions? How to give a home or utility space a unique character? The answer is: MELAFOL technology. See how Katarzyna Fanajło, an architect from Home Design Decor used it in her project.

The Furniture Diamond 2021 for Melaco. Check out our awarded products!

9 December 2020

The furniture industry has to change all the time. This applies to both design and usability, as well as meeting customer expectations - especially when new challenges are presented to them. It is the response to market needs and offering outstanding solutions that are rewarded by the Diamond of Furniture contest. See which Melaco products were awarded with this prestigious title.